
Dawn redwood metasequoia glyptostroboides
Dawn redwood metasequoia glyptostroboides

of the same department, who considered this tree not a Glyptostrobus but a new genus, on account of the opposite character of the peltate fruiting scales, which differ from those of Glyptostrobus although the deciduous linear leaves are somewhat similar.Ĭheng then sent his assistant, Hsieh C. Wu Chung-lung, an assistant in the department of forestry of the National Central University, met Wang who gave him a branchlet of the water fir with two cones. Dawn Redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides 524-48-Z. Cheng.Īt Mou-tao-chi, Wang collected herbarium specimens of leafy branches and fruits of this tree and thought it to be lyptostrobus pensilis Koch, or shui-sung, the water pine, which is a common deciduous coniferous tree in Kwangtung province found also in Kiangsi. standing by Metasequoia glyptostroboides from 1948 expedition to Hupeh, China. Yang to go to western Hupeh by way of Wan Hsien and Enshi in order to investigate the shui-sa at Mou-tao-chi. , a staff member of the Central Bureau of Forest Research, went to western Hupeh to explore the forests at Shenlung-chia, and was asked by Mr. Unfortunately, these were not identified. Then, in 1942, Professor Kan requested Yang Lung-hsin, principal of the Agricultural High School, to collect herbarium specimens of these shui-sa. Unfortunately no specimens were collected at that time, as all the leaves had fallen off due to the seasonal cold. (Department of Forestry of the National University) saw on the roadside at Mau-tao-chi in Wan Hsien a large deciduous tree that was called by the natives shui-sa, or water fir. In the winter of 1941, while journeying from Hupeh to Szechuan Professor Kan T.

#Dawn redwood metasequoia glyptostroboides manual

Michael Dirr, Manual of Woody Landscape Plants A Curious Encounter & amp amp amp amp amp lt span itemprop=& amp amp amp amp quot name& amp amp amp amp quot content=& amp amp amp amp quot Dawn Redwood By Kelly Sherman.I find it a lovely ornamental well suited to parks, golf courses and other large areas would make a very effective screen, grouping or for use in lining long drives or streets where it can be grown without problem or freeze damage it should be given adequate consideration. Dawn for once was happy in her life and as celebration she gave Melina the bird… that was living in her branches. Dawn’s baby propagated hundreds of other Metasequoia glyptostroboides all over the Eastern part of the United States. Little did Dawn know that her little branch was taken to the North Eastern Region of the US to try to start a new colony. Finally she was going to have a child and even more she and her child would be famous. “ I can use this stem to propagate another of its kind!…Why am I saying all this out loud?” With that the man scurried out of the forest and to his lab.ĭawn was elated. With that Dawn had an idea! She snapped off a tiny twig from herself and it fell right in front of the man. “This must be the most glorious tree in all the land, never in my life have I seen anything so rare and tall” cried the man “but alas, no one will believe that I have found such a lovely tree”. He immediately sat down and started recording all that he could about her. However as soon as the man saw Dawn he was left awe struck. Dawn knew, once again, she was going to be overlooked and ignored while Melina and Evie were going to get all the attention. As the man wandered through the forest he observed all the trees and drew them in his note pad admiring them and complimenting their beauty. She let out a deep sigh and was about to cry when a small Chinese man wandered into the forest. Then she realized, she was still rooted to the ground. She decided to go abroad to start her life over. In fact as time went on Dawn realized all of her friends were getting deflowered and she was the only one who hadn’t found another metasequoia to be pollinated by.ĭawn was depressed and decided she needed to go find herself. All of the other trees gossiped about how Melina had already gotten…pollinated (gasp!). No one was there to guide her through puberty. The only metasequoias Dawn knew were the pictures in rocks she had seen when she was just a sapling. She was lonely with no other Metasequoia glyptostroboides like herself. She began to feel awkward and shy and even worse Evie and Melina started to make fun of her size. Soon Dawn towered over her friends by at least 20 or so feet and was still growing. Dawn shot up like a rocket while Evie and Melina grew gracefully and gradually never hitting that awkward phase in life that everyone wishes they could forget. She and all the other trees were living happily in the forest until puberty hit. She lived in a forest in China with other trees like the Gemelina hainanensis named Melina and a Keteleeria Evelynian named Evie. There was a tiny Metasequoia glyptostroboides tree named Dawn.

Dawn redwood metasequoia glyptostroboides